Hello world!

You will find this site useful if you have a keen interest in knowing who is out there changing the world in positive ways. If you are convinced that the digital society is not a menace but an evolutionary way forward for humans in the next 30 years, you will find here inspiring case studies that will open your mind to problem-solving, execution of vision, and profound awareness that quantum physics is probably a deeply humanistic discipline because it proves, amongst many wondrous things, that like-minded individuals seek to meet each other and collaborate, and that nothing that occurs is seredipitous but that it obeys a masterminded plan that one most definitely laid out for one’s self, though amazing this may be. Most people seek to develop their creativity as a form of self-expression: some first start noticing that their job or lifestyle does not truly satisfy them. Entrepreneurialism has become the solution to this angst for thousands of people that have braved the jump onto the other side: the side where one takes control of one’s destiny, whether financially, professionally, or simply, personally. The Positive Deviants share a lot with this group of ‘malcontents’: they know that society as it stands, is not truly working at its best and they do not rest until they see things improved, taking a very active part in the process. Some create grassroots movements that change legislations, attitudes, behaviours; others create companies that change the world.

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